Aim (v) to intend

Airy (adj) with a lot of light and space

Attitude (n) a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this

Bunch (n) a group of people

Cage(n) a space surrounded on all sides by bars or wire, in which animals or birds are kept

Combination (n) the mixture you get when two or more things are ombined

Cosy (adj) comfortable and pleasant, especially because small and warm

Curriculum (n) the group of subjects studied in a school

Diet (n) the food and drink usually eaten or drunk b y a person or group

Edible (adj) suitable or safe for eating

Experimental (adj) experiencing and observing different methods or situations in orer to discover what the result will be

Feature (v) to include someone or something as an important part

Flavour (n) how a food or drink tastes, or a particular taste itself

Funds (n) money needed or available to spend on something

Historic (adj) important or likely to be important in history

Ingredient (n) a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish

Intiative (n) a new ation or movement, often intended to solve a problem

Isolated (adj) feeling unhappy because of not seeing or talking to other people

Nutrition (n) the substances that you take into your body as food and the way that they influence your health

Organic (adj) not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals for food and other products

Range (n) a set of similar things

Recipe (n) a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food is needed for this

Seafood (n) animals from the sea that can be eaten especially fish or sea animals  with shells

Supply (v) to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time

Talkative (adj) talking a lot

Tasty (adj) describes food which has a strong and pleasant flavour

Tuition (n) teaching, especially when given to a small group or one person, such as in a college or university

Value for money (n) If something is value for money, it is a good quality or there is a lot of it so you think the amount of money you spent on it was right

Variety (n) many different types of things or people

Warn (v) to make someone realise a possible danger or problem, especially one in the future

B2 – UNIT 4 



  • So and such mean very, extremely: That was so kind of you! You have such a beautiful house.
  • So and such are used to talk about cause and effect: He was so late that he missed the beginning of the exam. She gave such a good performance that she won an Oscar. 


So + adjective or adverb (+ that) :

  • He was so nervous before the exam that he couldn´t sleep at all.
  • That remark was just so silly.
  • He cooks so well that I think he will win the competition.



Such + adjective + uncountable noun / plural noun (+ that):

  • She has such nice children!
  • Switzerland has such spectacualr scenery that we always choose it for our holidays.
So + much /many/few/little + noun (+ that):

  • We had so little money left at the end of our holiday that we had to sleep at the station.
  • Marta makes so many mistakes when she is speaking!
Such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun: (+ that):

  • Why did you come in such an old pair of jeans?
  • It was such a beautiful day that we decided to go for a picnic.

Such a lot of

  • Elena has got such a lot of friends that the telephone never stops ringing.


  • Too means more than is needed or wanted: She is too old to join the police. 

Enough means as much as is necessary or needed: Have we got enough eggs to make a cake?



Too + adjective (+ noun)+ (for somebody) (+infinitive):

  • He is too young to drive.
  • That suitcase is too heavy for me to lift.

Too + adverb +(for somebody) (+infinitive)

  • You are driving too dangerously. Please slow down.

Too much / too many + noun +(for somebody) (+infinitive)

  • They bought too much food for us to eat.
  • I have received too many emails to answer.
Adjective/adverb + enough+(for somebody) (+infinitive):

  • This coffee is not warm enough! Please heat it up again.
  • Franz did not answer the questions convincingly enough to get the job.
  • That hotel is not smart enough for her

Enough + noun + (for somebody) (+infinitive):

  • Have you got enough money to get to London?
  • There is not enough cake in the cupboard for me to give some to everyone.





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